A group fitness experience that empowers and elevates you. Train smarter.

I am here to help you create lasting change. You won’t ever see me pushing branded supplements or quick fixes because I have made my career out of understanding the functionality of the human body. My goal is for you to have a lifetime of success, not just a crash course. Our bodies are smart and they deserve having us meet them where they’re at. And we deserve to have a little fun while we do it!


Pre & Postnatal Training

Functional movement classes based on a holistic approach to the ever-evolving pregnant and postpartum bodies’ needs. A combination of pilates, yoga, functional range movement, strength training and regeneration. Designed not only to prepare your body physically but also provide comfort as it evolves. Preventative training plays a huge role in the science behind these methods, as well as hormone and nervous system balancing for better stamina and sleep.


Functional Performance Training

Working with your individual needs to increase mobility and functional ranges which lead to better performance results. This low impact work is primarily designed to accommodate athletes and weightlifters in increasing efficiency and functionality while minimizing risk for injury. Also generally just a great form of physical therapy and rehab.


Barre, Barre Fusion & Barre 2.0

An updated spin on the old classic.

Lotte Berk meets Pilates meets functional movement plus cardio and regeneration.

Barre Fusion with more flow and a ton of extra cardio.

No matter what you’ll get a low impact, high intensity combination of inner strength, mobility work and something for total body transformation.

Book a Class

Join me for a virtual class- first session is on me!